Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Second Chance by Emma Okok

Recently I watched a movie titled 'The Last Holiday.' for those among us who may not have watched the movie, let me give a slight preview. In the movie, a lady is misdiagnosed with a deadly disease and given three weeks to live. The lady goes though a period of denial but later decides to enjoy her last days on earth. This lady took out her life savings and decided to go on her last holiday(thus the title).

This lady flies fist class, checks into an expensive hotel and even gets the presidential suite. She dines and wines with the who is who in society; the senator, top businessmen including her boss whom she worked for at one of the departmental stores. Surprised at the new lady in this exclusive hotel her boss sets out to find out who this lady is.

A servant at the hotel is used as a spy and discovers the lady's true identity. She brings this lady back to reality and asks her why she chose to spend her last days with the 'evil rich men' instead of the people she loved most and those who loved her in return. She wished that life would hand her a second chance, to laugh more, to play more, to love more. To cut the long story short, this lady was soon to discover that she had been misdiagnosed and that life had indeed handed her a second chance, to make things right and indeed fulfill her dream of owning her restaurant.

How many times do we actually wish for that second chance. A second chance to go back to school, probably read harder and make that good grade? A second chance to make up for all lost opportunities that were thrown at us. A second chance to turn all our failures into winning. A second chance to make up for that broken friendship. A second chance to tell those whom we love that we love them and not after they die. A second chance to forgive and get a fresh start, a new beginning? A second chance to laugh, play and even give more. A second chance to say no to drugs, early sex and violence.

Well, as long as we are alive, life does indeed offer us a second chance. It does not take a new day to make a brand new start. It only takes a deep desire within us. A deep desire to live better, and to always be forgiving. To give more and to add a little sunshine in this dark world that we are living. So never give up in despair and think that you are through. For there is always that second chance and the hope of starting new. Will you grab it?


Neema said...

Emma, this is a great piece-like a meal whose taste i not to be forgotten.

Lessons we'll pass on to our little tots.

the fortysense inc! said...

Appreciatable piece, keep us reading, baraka. God has given us enough second chances.

allyv said...

simply and beautifully writ. It's sad how most of us wait for a death sentence to start living. age long wisdom.