Tuesday, November 4, 2008

June's Diary

June is a blessed girl who is part of the Good Samaritan youth family. Here goes
Today I woke up at 5:40am, prepared and went to school as usual, came back, completed doing my homework and watched the soap opera called Pasion.
My best friend told me that one day our school bus “Queen” hit a woman, the woman’s children were thieves, so when we had closed for the August holiday they took stones and broke the windows of class six and spoilt some doors in some of the class six’s, and that they said they’d come and back and burn the school when we are still in the classes. So I just told them that if they come I’ll just tell God to let his will be done. After that I started shivering but I just said to myself, I trust in God. I was happy when my Christian Religious Education teacher gave us a story about himself when he was a very young boy of about seven years.
My desk mate accused me of stealing her rubber and I hadn’t stolen it, it had just fallen down. She was actually condemning me.
Today I prayed to God to bless the orphans and bless us all, heal the sick and cover us with his holy arms wherever we go.
Tomorrow I want to wake up early, go to school then to the library at school to borrow papers for revision. I went to bed at 9:35pm.

I woke up at 5:45am, went to school but nothing interesting happened although we had a maths test and I got everything, so I kept a feather in my cap. Nothing made me sad because the whole day I spent it as happy as a king.
I prayed for Jesus to help me pass the test and he did and for him to heal the sick and bless the orphans plus bless and watch over us all.
Tomorrow I’ll go to school, learn new things and do physical exercises. I slept at 8pm.

Today I woke up at 6:01am, it was late so I had to rush to get the first bus but unfortunately I was I found it had gone thus I had to walk to school. Nothing interesting happened, nothing made me sad though I was happy when my class teacher made me prefect of my row. I came back did my homework, prayed for our nation and other stuff. I want to do what I did today, tomorrow. I went to bed at 10pm.

Woke up at 5:35am, went to school, came back did my homework, nothing interesting happened, nothing made me happy or sad at all. I was with the same mood that I was with from home, (the mood was happiness). I prayed for people, our nation and as usual I’ll do what I did today tomorrow. I went to bed at 9:20pm

Woke up at 5:30am, went to school, came back home, did my homework, nothing interesting happened but was happy when Daddy bought me apples and sad when Mummy told me I won’t go swimming at school and swimming was my best hobby.
I prayed for many things. I want to have fun since it’s a Saturday.

I woke up at 9:05am we were going somewhere with mum where we stayed for a long time, nothing interesting happened though I was happy I got to carry a child where we had gone. Nothing made me sad.
I prayed for people, our nation and other stuff. Tomorrow I want to go to church. I went to bed late, at 12:00 in the night.

I woke up at 7am prepared myself so that I’m not late for Sunday school as it usually starts at 8am, so I ran to church, nothing interesting happened I was just happy because I went to talk to my God.
I prayed for many stuff. I want to go to school and learn new things. I’ll go to bed at 9.00pm

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