Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When We Pray

When we pray, circumstances fade away
When we pray, healing comes our way
When we pray, the Father heals our land
There's a fire that lights inside us when we pray.

Today morning I was at the stage waiting for a matatu, and many came, but other people always got in before I did. Just as I was getting frustrated, I started asking God "Why me?". I then realised that I had not asked. So I prayed for a matatu, and got into the next one, despite there being so many people at the stage.

You see, in the book of James, we're told we have not because we ask not.
In Matthew, we're told to ask and it will be given to us.

However big or small your request is, be it looking for a job, fixing a broken family or fare to town, if we ask in Jesus' name, we will receive what we ask for in accordance with the will of God.

So go ahead and talk to our Heavenly Father.