Friday, May 8, 2009

Tigoni Falls... since 1963!

Tigoni is a wonderful place, and has been since 1963. For once, KAYO kept time and the LAST ride was @9! We fika the place and the signposts read "Original Picnic Site", "Since 1963", and my fave- "Drive downhill" at a place where downhill is really a drop (at least from where we alighted, before asking our driver to go ahead downward).

The retreat was about team building and teamwork, so we could not refer to the words "Exec", "Jeshi"(of course, we're guilty of breaking this one) and others. Passie was on point concerning teamwork and relationships (had to be discussed, again).

We made friends, CDO represented in the kitchen (cooking), and Steve did his bit (over eating). We got to see the falls (Finally!) and they're so awesome. Check out the photos on

I hear next plot is Mombasa... any questions?